Blog Post

Taking Care of Your Skin This Winter

  • By Dorothy Andreas
  • 29 Oct, 2018
Winter Skincare Sewickley Spa | Pittsburgh
We hate to admit it, but the warm weather is officially over. The Pittsburgh area now braces itself for a chilly fall and freezing winter. As we start bundling up, it’s important to remember that our skin needs a little extra TLC this time of year. The colder temperatures tend to dry it out and irritate skin. Here are few things to keep in mind.

Moisturize Your Skin

Like we mentioned above, cold air tends to be much drier than warm air. This causes the skin to crack or inflame. Make moisturizing a part of your daily routine, especially for areas that are the most exposed like your face and hands.

If you’re new to moisturizing, our team at Sewickley Spa can help you settle on a skincare regimen that’s unique to your needs. With a little help, you can make through the winter well-hydrated, beautiful skin.

Humidifiers are Your Friend

On top of moisturizing, using a humidifier at home can go a long way in helping your skin stay smooth all winter long. Humidifiers pump moist air into your home, helping to combat the dryness brought on by winter.

Additionally, humidifiers can help keep you congestion-free and fight sickness. As we breathe in dry air, our bodies have to work harder to fight infections and other airborne illnesses. So, as you can see, humidifiers are really our best friends during the colder months.

Good Foods for Healthier Skins

Omega-3 and other fatty acids are great for promoting healthy skin, and can really help out during the cold weather. Remember, your skin is actually an organ and needs just as much attention as other parts of your body. Luckily, most of these foods are pretty common and tasty/ In fact, you could plan an entire meal aimed at helping your skin!

For meat or protein, opt for fatty fish like salmon or herring. Eggs are another great source of these vitamins You can add plenty of yummy side dishes, too. Fruits and vegetables like avocado, tomato, broccoli, and bell peppers. After dinner, opt for dark chocolate and a glass of red wine. Green tea is also great for your skin. As you can see, there are plenty of options for every diet.

Let Sewickley Spa Take Care of Your Skin All Winter Long

While there is plenty you can do throughout the winter at home, a few trips to the spa can really help keep your skin feeling great. Browse all our skincare treatments or set up your appointment today!
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