Blog Post

Cold Season Prevention and Self Care

  • By Dorothy Andreas
  • 04 Nov, 2019
Cold Season Prevention and Self Care | Sewickley Spa
Cold season. We look forward to it every year (said no one ever). Let’s be honest, though: most of us want to avoid getting sick, or at least figure out how to feel better quickly when we do catch a cold. While there’s no magic pill to protect against the pitfalls of the common cold, it’s not out of the question to feel your best during the germy season ahead.

Ways to Avoid Getting a Cold

Most of us come into contact with a number of people in a day and do a fair bit of running around. From the daily work routine to errands, there are countless opportunities to pick up germs. With a little mindfulness and enhanced hygiene, however, you can reduce your chances of catching a cold.

Keep Your Hands to Yourself

Germs have a domino effect: when one person has them, they spread those germs around. It’s easy to do, too. Have a new client coming in for a meeting? Handshake time. Consider swapping the classic greeting with a wave or a fistbump instead.

Aside from our hands, we spread germs by touching different surfaces. Steer clear of germy surfaces–ranging from refrigerator door handles to shared supplies–or at least grab hold of them with a paper towel or handkerchief. Your body will thank you later.

Stay Squeaky Clean

It’s impossible to avoid touching everything around you, so be mindful of what you touch during the day and keeping clean afterward. Habits like washing your hands after a restroom trip and habitually using hand sanitizer throughout the day are solid preventive measures to avoid picking up unwanted germs. On a similar note, your nose and eyes can collect germs like crazy, so make sure your hands are clean before touching your face for any reason.

Treat Your Body Well

The last thing you want when the risk of catching a cold is looming is a weak immune system. Cold prevention starts with how you treat your body. While it might be tempting to indulge in pizza and burgers, try to work in more fruits and veggies instead. They’re packed with essential vitamins and minerals, supporting a healthy body. In addition to the types of foods you enjoy, pay attention to how you eat them. Don’t eat off of your spouse’s fork when trying their meals and steer clear of communal snacks like bowls of chips at the office.

Eating right is only half the equation for treating your body right during cold season. Staying active is pretty essential, too. Whether you walk the treadmill at home or engage in a full workout at the gym, make exercise part of your routine. Exercise helps to boost immune system function, readying your body to fight cold-causing germs.

How to Deal Once You’ve Gotten a Cold

If you lose the battle and catch a cold despite your best efforts, it’s not the end of the world (thought maybe it feels that way). Amid the uncomfortable symptoms is light at the end of the tunnel for feeling better faster and preventing others from getting sick.

Keep It to Yourself

While most people battle on and go to work when looking down the barrel of the tissue box, priority #1 should be getting well. Try not to focus on the sick days you’ll be using, and instead take a few days off to rest. In addition to the healing benefits of adequate sleep, you’ll be taking advantage of the often-overlooked benefit of staying away from the office: preventing your germs from spreading throughout the entire team. Along with preventing colleagues from catching your cold, take care not to infect those whose immune systems are weaker, like younger children or the elderly.

Go All Natural

We’re conditioned to rely on medication when something is physically wrong, but this is only one strategy. Natural remedies often replace, or at least supplement, medicinal ones. For instance, humidifiers are highly effective for clearing congestion, while vitamins like vitamin C and zinc provide immune support. Have a sore throat? Try a warm salt water rinse. Can’t stop coughing? Hot tea will relax that cough reflex.

OTC When Necessary

Colds are nothing if not persistent. When natural remedies alone can’t handle the job, over-the-counter medications may be in order. Cough drops provide moderate relief throughout the day with soothing ingredients like menthol, which decongestants clear out the gunk in your nose and throat. For maximum effectiveness, look for a decongestant containing pseudoephedrine, as it is the only proven congestion remedy.

Rebound at Sewickley Spa

Colds are long and lingering, and it takes a lot to recover. Once you do, why not spoil yourself a little? Turn to Sewickley Spa for a rejuvenating facial, or detoxifying body wrap to round out your recovery. Get in touch to book your pampering experience.

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